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Friday, February 17, 2017

St Auggie's Fish Fry

 I'm having trouble expressing how happy - how Milwaukee - I feel as I enjoy a great fish fry in a church basement. I opted for the baked fish, as you can see. The basement filled up within minutes of us sitting down.

Easter Wreaths

Lisa made these for my Mom, at her request. The pictures, honest and truly, don't do the work justice. My Mom was very grateful.

Speedway was Robbed

Speedway on 124th and National was just robbed. I walked into the store just moments after the robber left. The cashier is OK but was treated roughly and was in tears. The cops are already on the scene.

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Why Change Perfection?

 The thimble is my piece of choice. This isn't progress; it's an outrage.

The US Did Nothing

Russia threatened and harassed Ukraine, then walked in and took Crimea from them by force.

The US did nothing.

Russia shot down a passenger jet.

The US did nothing.

Russia sent troops into the Middle East, negating a ban enforced by 12 US Presidents.

The US did nothing.

Russia taunted our naval vessels.

The US did nothing.

All of that was under OBAMA and yet the press is trying to convince us that *Trump* is somehow selling us out to Moscow? Good grief, get off the drugs. #DoNotTrustTheMedia


 Chipper, super happy people anger me. A lot. Discuss.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

 It's snowing in New Berlin.


 "A man who has made no enemies is probably not a very good man." - Justice Scalia

Happy Valentines Day 2017!

My littlest valentine made me breakfast in bed, waffles and strawberries 🍓 she heated up the syrup ❤ ..... Hope ask of you have Valentine surprises all day, spread the love  - Lisa

Grandma Jeanne: Thats my sweet Junie  she is always doing sweet stuff. Not looking forward to her teen years. Stay sweet

Lisa: Just found out my kids when buying candy grams at school all buy themselves one, and wrote messages to themselves to boot, lol..Smiley says he wrote on one of his (to himself)..."you're beautiful" to self love

Monday, February 13, 2017

 Exploring Costco with Lisa

Not my words, but certainly my thoughts: Nothing makes more of an impactful statement, in advocating for acceptance into the United States and calling for equal treatment of American civil rights, than waving a Mexican Flag, the symbol of a nation you didn't love enough to remain in and help improve.

Strolling with Junie

I took Junie with me on a walk to pick up some takeout, then stopped at the park.

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Impractical Jokers Live

We're back from seeing Impractical Joker's for the second time in two years! They were even funnier this time around, and seemed to venture off script more often. Q centric this time, with barely a word from Murr, the only downer was that the finale was a repeat of the video that closed out the 2015 show :(

Still, a great time!

Saturday, February 11, 2017

Hal Moore

RIP Army legend Hal Moore, the commanding officer during the battle for the Ia Drang valley in 1965. Your nation thanks you sir.

Mike Ilitch

 Little Caesar's Pizza founder Mike Ilitch, has died at 87. RIP

This is good. It tastes nothing like GSA Thin Mint cookies, but it's yummy all the same.


Tuesday, February 7, 2017

What a Difference!

 Lisa did a great job on this coffee table!

Chris Carter to Sign with the Yankees


When the Brewers parted ways with him I had hoped this would happen. He'll make a fine stopgap first baseman for the Yanks.

Welcome to a real club Chris!
Yankees reportedly ink NL home run champ Chris Carter to one-year, $3 million deal

Monday, February 6, 2017

BT Junkie

BTJunkie permanently closed shop today. RIP. U were loved.

2005 - 2012
This is the end of the line my friends. The decision does not come easy, but we've decided to voluntarily shut down. We've been fighting for years for your right to communicate, but it's time to move on. It's been an experience of a lifetime, we wish you all the best!


 My hip hurts. Sigh.

A Warm Day and a Nice Walk

Junie and I enjoying the balmy 40 degree weather with a walk to the pet store and a stop at the park on the way back.

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Don't Tempt Fate

Those laughing and creating memes about the "Bowling Green Massacre" - the non-event [White House Spokesperson] Conway mistakenly spoke of - should be careful about tempting fate. I fear they will jinx such an event into existence.

Saturday, February 4, 2017

At the Gym

Visit #4 of the week, hip pain be damned.

A Great Find!

My first thought when I bought it: I can't wait to post it on the Wolfe Pack FB site! Lol 66 likes/ comments from my fellow fans of Stout!