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Sunday, February 26, 2017

Rachel Dolezal is Not Doing Well

I forgave her long ago, because she's hot. Apparently, neither White nor Black America agree with me.

Simply Nailogical

Somehow Smiley and I just found ourselves watching a ten minute Youtube video by Simply Nailogical on our living room TV. I don't understand how it happened. I don't understand why we didn't stop it. I don't . . . I don't understand.

Joseph Wapner

 RIP "People's Court" Judge Wapner, age 97.

Friday, February 24, 2017

 Watching the final episode of the 11th Doctor with LuLu

Lightning Crashes

The lightning slashing across the night sky, and the rain relentlessly tapping on the window, is both relaxing and unexpected. A thunderstorm on a brisk February night? And a winter storm warning for later in the day? Wow.

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

A Winter Bike Ride??

 I biked with the kids to school this morning - on FEBRUARY 22nd. Wow.


It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men. Frederick Douglas

Half a Decade

This morning my boss presented me with a framed certificate honoring 5 years of service to the company - the third time in my life I've reached that milestone.

Twenty two years (and about an hour) ago a young waitress wrote down her phone number on a napkin she left with my bill. Best meal ever. Happy Anniversary Lisa Xo

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

I took Junie with me to vote today. "You're going to vote for someone evil," she said. "You always do."

A Parker Connection

At the post office today a neat coincidence. The man in front of us in line was packaging up a copy of Robert B. Parker's "Ceremony" for shipping. I told him my son was named after the author, and the guy - a bookstore owner - showed me the title page. It was personally signed by RBP. Very cool.

A Pic of Big Grandma

This is my paternal Grandmother and Joe Brocki, Grandpa's best friend. Years later Joe's wife Rose would be my Dad's Godmother.

Monday, February 20, 2017

The First Bike Ride of the Year!

Smiley and I took the first Team Slap bike ride of 2017 today - on February 20th!!! - biking to and from my mother-in-law's apartment,a round trip of 4.4 miles. Alas, she wasn't home! Lol. A great ride to kick off the year!

The hip is hurting a bit from the bike ride, but it's totally worth it. Today was a good day.

Happy Birthday Kurt

 Kurt Cobain would have been 50 years old today. RIP good sir.

Soooooo True


Sunday, February 19, 2017

A Nice Walk with my Kiddos

Smiley, Junie and I set out on a walk to enjoy the weather today. We walked to and from the Family Dollar store, meandering a bit along the route.

Me and Smiley long ago


Norma McCorvey, aka Jane Roe

Norma McCorvey, the woman who was the anonymous plaintiff in  Roe v Wade, the 1973 SCOTUS case that decided that individual state laws banning abortion were unconstitutional, has died at 69.


Yeah, No

"During cooking, bats may emit strong odors reminiscent of urine. This may be reduced by cooking with added garlic, onion, chili pepper or beer." - Wikipedia. 

Ummm, maybe that's nature's way of saying "Eat something else you jackass."

Saturday, February 18, 2017


February 18th. Milwaukee, WI. Normal high: around 33. Today's high: 68. If this is global warming, I'll take it.