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Saturday, May 6, 2017

Dance Time!

In front of my old TAC (homeroom) as I wait for the girl's dance recital to start. - @ Pius XI High School

My Thoughts

Remember: When the Mainstream Media says "Here's what you need to know about xyz" what they mean is "Here's what we need you to believe about xyz".

Is this 1929 all over again?

Um, this is OUR bank. Gulp From the Journal Sentinel: 

 BREAKING: Guaranty Bank, unable to ever recover from devastating loan losses stemming from the housing and foreclosure crisis, has failed and was shut down by regulators.

Friday, May 5, 2017

YaYa's 2017 Prom!

In 2014 the Bradley Foundation compiled what's being described as a "hit list" against liberal organizations they refused to fund. 

 Good for them. Liberal foundations certainly aren't funding conservative causes. Why expect a double standard?

Thursday, May 4, 2017

I haven't seen the black station wagon with all the scripture, aka "godmobile" for awhile and looked it up. Brother Ron is still going strong but apparently sticks mostly to Wisconsin avenue these days. Was it always just this one guy or were there others? Do any of my fb friends know more about this Milwaukee fixture? - Lisa
Prince Philip, the spouse of Queen Elizabeth II, will retire from royal duties this autumn.

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

The Soup Kitchen

LuLu helps out running a Brownie troop, and they volunteered at the local soup kitchen!

My Thoughts

Nothing in the Arts is as predictable as an artist/writer/actor calling their old work "extremely relevant in today's political/social climate" if they sense a few extra bucks in their pocket for the telling.

Monday, May 1, 2017

My Thoughts

My paternal Grandfather was a welder, my maternal Grandfather a lather. 

If you don't want a four year degree, there is no shame in a skilled trade. 

If you want a job that requires an education, there's no shame in a white collar trade. 

The pendulum of public opinion has swung too hard to the trades. Both roles are honorable, both are valuable, both are needed. Cut the bullsh--t propaganda to the contrary. 

I'm looking at you, Mike Rowe.

Sunday, April 30, 2017

At the Gym with Smiley

A mighty fine workout with Smiley. And I brought my late father-in-laws lifting gloves.

Junie's group project

A couple hours ago I took LK and her friends to the Cudahy library to brainstorm an anti-bullying poster they've been assigned. Then on to Dollar Tree for supplies. Yay! What fun for me 😉

It's an ugly choice

I'm watching a Cubs-Red Sox game. There's no one to root for here. It's like being asked to choose between Stalin or PolPot.

Saturday, April 29, 2017

Progress from Custard

Yes it's blurry, but it's momentous. After two years, our cat Custard came up on the couch and sat on my lap (for a few moments). While she'll cuddle with the kids upstairs, she is rarely seen on the first floor except when she eats, and she's never been held or picked up. #progress

Mike Trout

You wanna know why Mike Trout gets "no love," despite being the reincarnation of Mickey Mantle? Because he's as boring as a sewing show on PBS. The man exudes zero charisma to the public.

Friday, April 28, 2017

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Behave on FB

I blocked someone on FB for the first time in . . . well, it might be the first time ever. It was not a FB friend but a FOAF (friend of a friend). They were on the opposite end of the political spectrum, which I can handle, but in addition to being wrong they were obnoxious, demeaning, and insulting, and I do not have the patience for that crap today. Buh-bye.

Birds and Bees Indeed

I'm no zoologist, but I just watched two ducks f-ing on the lawn of my kid's school. The male appeared to finish, push the female down into the grass, then strut away #WellDonePlaya

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

A fun little guessing game

Ok not many of these look fun but this does. 10 concerts I've been to but one is a lie. Which one?
1. Alice in Chains
2. Kenny Rogers
3. Madonna
4. Metallica
5. Garth Brooks
6. Billy Ray Cyrus
7. Tina Turner
8. New Kids on the Block
9. Prince
10. Alanis Morissette
Good luck

The answer? I've never seen Metallica in concert.

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

A questionable opinion

I wholeheartedly agree. I was always upset by children's books and TV that promote a ridiculous idea of the world. I'm raising future adults, not suckers. 

'My child is not required to share with yours': Mom explains why she doesn't teach son to always share 

Published April 25, 2017Tribune Media Wire

YaYa loses her wallet

I'm apparently the most forgetful person ever- I left my wallet, with $60 in it, on the public bus stop. A man dropped it off at my house. I have got to be more careful. 😅 - YaYa

Monday, April 24, 2017

Doctor Who S10/ep1

S10/E1 "The Pilot" Much better than the trailers and leaks would have you believe. Bill has great potential, I'm already a fan of Nardle, and the Doctor has come into his own just as he heads for the exit door. Well done.

Sunday, April 23, 2017

A President's Honeymoon Period? Nah

Somewhere in a grad school history course I read an essay that outed the "first 100 days/honeymoon period" of a Presidency as a media creation that didn't have legs. IIRC, Carter was the example used in the essay, which, again IIRC, was in a collection entitled "After The Fact." For that reason I've never paid any mind to such nonsense, no matter who was in office.

Quote of the Day

Hardly anything is evil, but most things are hungry. Hunger looks very much like evil from the wrong end of the cutlery. - The Doctor