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Friday, May 26, 2017


Rest assured, it is just a lone wolf, and it has nothing to do with religion, and can't we all open borders/refugee/kumbaya?

The Manchester Aftermath

If the slaughter of children isn't worth your anger, what is??? Wake up!

Brewers - Diamondbacks with my Pop pt 2

As games go, it was a dud yesterday, a lackluster 4-0 loss. For my Dad, who tries to see a game a month, it's an unbroken string of losses dating back years. Still, it was a good time. 

As we were leaving he had a lot of trouble getting to his feet. "When did you get so old Dad?" I asked, not unkindly. "I asked myself the same question last week," he said. 

Later, getting mushy and unmanly, I thanked him for all he's done for me over the years. 

"I could have done better, " he said. 

 "You did fine Pop," I replied.

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Finished 1 Samuel.

School Bus Accident

YaYa's school bus was hit by a car on the way home. She's OK. Word is the car hit the bus then still had enough speed to hit another car, then careen into an empty grass lot. That's the second bus accident she's been in, the first happening years ago during her time in STAA.
Hubby made breakfast for the whole family, i guess I'll keep him. ❤ - Lisa

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Knock it off

I don't condone or enjoy the defacement of private property. They bought it, leave it the f alone.

The Sacred Heart of Jesus Statute

Whoohoo! After an intense Ebay auction I'm now the proud owner of this chalkware! Sure, it's a waste of money better spent elsewhere. But my Grandma owned one just like this and kept it in her bedroom, and doggone it, I wanted it.
The Philippines have declared martial law on the southern island of Mindanao after a wave of attacks by Islamic terror groups, backed by ISIS, have created a state of rebellion.
My Fitbit has not synced properly since April 15, and Fitbit has "exhausted all troubleshooting options." They will, however, offer me a lovely 25% discount on a replacement device. Yeah, no thanks.

Roger Moore

RIP Roger Moore, aka James Bond, age 89.
Children are dead in Manchester. Please, let us not regurgitate the same tired routine: we will light candles, we will offer prayers, we will change our FB profile picture, we will say this loser doesn't stand for everyone that shares his beliefs, we will vow to be strong . . . and we will forget, and it will repeat.

Monday, May 22, 2017

The Bye Bye Man

Don't think it, don't say it? More like don't rent it, don't watch it. #dull


Fire this a$$hole #cbs #yahoo
I went to Five Below and nearby Omega Restaurant with Lisa

Ridiculous to find this objectionable

I was going to post this an hour ago, with a joke about how I was sure some liberal would find this statement offensive. Annnnd then, in the meantime, some liberals did object. Honestly, he should stop worrying (if he does) about ANYONE that voted for HRC. They will never care for him, no matter what. F 'em.

The Rec Site SUCKS

I'm a 3rd year law student with additional graduate level work in library science and education - and it has taken me ONE HOUR to register my kids for classes on the Milwaukee Rec site AND I was just informed I have to start over from scratch. #EitherIveGoneStupidOrTheirSiteSux

Watching Dr Who

1971's "The Daemons" -

"I see Yates. So the Doctor was frozen stiff at the Barrows, and was then revived by a freak heat wave. Benton was beaten up by invisible forces, and the local white witch claims she's seen the Devil." - The Brigadier, calmly recapping recent events.

Sunday, May 21, 2017

I (all too briefly) got to chat with Nick S tonight. It was good seeing you!


I just had the pleasure of watching my son perform in drumline! What a great job! Proud of you PD!

How to Improve MLB Games

If you really want to shorten MLB games: once the batter has two strikes, he should be allowed two additional foul balls. A third is a strike and an out. There's no glory in an eleven pitch at bat. It's boring as hell.

Saturday, May 20, 2017

Yes, Lisa and I are watching the live stream of Racine's Post Prom Party. Why? Who the hell knows.

A Sweet Gift

This just arrived in the mail from Alys H! I'm blessed to have such friends in my life. Thank you!

Smiley's Piano Recital

A whole crowd showed up to support Smiley when he had his piano recital. The weather was wet and gloomy, but not the performance. 

He strode confidently to the microphone, adjusted it for his height, and then played for the audience. 

For a single semester of rec division piano, I was bowled over! Great job Smiley!

Smiley's Piano Recital

I just returned from Smiley's piano recital at Hamilton High School. The asterisk next to his name denotes the fact he was promoted to a higher group over the course of the three month long, weekly Milwaukee Rec class. He did great, and showed extraordinary confidence!