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Thursday, June 1, 2017


WTF - Huma, Clinton's aide, has allegedly called off her divorce to admitted pervert and pedo Anthony Weiner, and pulled their house off the market. I hope this is fake news, but if true I'm glad she's nowhere near the White House.
I ran errands on our bikes with the kids. If the destination is less than a half mile away, bike or walk. That's how you "save" a planet and get in shape(ish). Helpful hint: if you have a bum hip, get on/off the bike by swinging the *healthy* one. That minimizes the tears later.

The Paris Accords

I've yet to see anyone who voted for Trump complain about the US pulling out of the Paris Accords. So it fulfills a campaign promise, bolstering his base, angers a bunch of people who would never vote for him anyway, and negates yet another leftover from the Obama regime. Hard to see where this is politically a bad move.

Kudos to Amazon

Kudos to Amazon. At noon, a mere five hours after being informed that my package was delayed and wouldn't arrive until 8pm Friday, it showed up at my door.

The Greatest Show in the Galaxy

A Seventh Doctor episode, TGSITG is a mixed bag. It's fun, there's a decent script, and the Doctor and Ace are at the top of their game. But it's a little heavy on the Who related symbolism - the fanboy, the crotchety explorer and his young companion, etc - and the location budget seems to have been nil. Still, it's a thumbs up from me.

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

My hip hurts and I am in a foul mood because of it. Discuss at your peril.

A Fire somewhere near I-94

The scene going east on 94 a half hour ago. This is NOT the semi fire near the zoo interchange but a separate fire somewhere near the valley.

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Hatchet by Gary Paulson

Smiley reading "Hatchet" to his little sister.

Just my Luck

Oh no! I bought a Jesus statue on EBay and they sent the John The Baptist version instead! Seriously tho, I am very distraught. Lisa I'll need your talent to mend this.

A bike Ride with Junie

A bike ride with LK and a stop at the park was interrupted by a cold snap and rain. But we managed to drop off a framed photo of Lauren and her friend before the weather changed.

Monday, May 29, 2017

We went back to Kmart, bought some flowers, and Lisa, PD, and I spent the afternoon busting our butts in the backyard. Then we had dinner with JJ, I went for a bike ride with Junie, and (by necessity) I had to repair the basement door. So it's been a long but productive day for Team Slap.

JFK would be 100 today

John Fitzgerald Francis Kennedy, 35th President of the United States, was born 100 years ago today.

Art by Smiley

Sunday, May 28, 2017

Memorial Day

Seriously. Know and honor the difference.

K-Mart is Da Bomb!

Too many treat it as a joke or has been, but Kmart is the place to shop. Smiley and I got all these plants, plus a couple more, plus a 40lb bag of soil for a scant $8.95, courtesy of a sale and our rewards card! Hot dog!


One year gone. #Harambe #WeRemember #RIP


by me. Take care of your own problems. We've done quite enough for Europe since 1917, thank you.

RIP Gregg Allman

Music legend Gregg Allman has died at 69.

My Progress Reading the Bible

I just finished 1 Kings, a rather routine summary of minor kings, with each obituary framing his success or failure on his obedience to God. History, as we understand the academic term, was not their interest. This is a history of how a single people prospered or failed because of their leader's piety. Of note, the appearance of Jezebel, and Elijah's snarky taunting of a sacrifice to a pagan god in 18:27 "Call louder, for he is a god and may be meditating. . . Perhaps he is asleep and must be awakened. "

Saturday, May 27, 2017

A Great Great Thought

The homily tonight at Mass centered on a quote from Chesterton: "Whatever is worth doing is worth doing poorly." Meaning that if it's important to do, get up and do it, because whatever you accomplish, no matter how little, exceeds what you'd do from your couch.

The Garden Bros. Circus - Junie's First Circus!

Two Times

Two times my kids are a pain: 
1) when their friends are near and they want to pretend to be a big shot.
2) Every other time.

My Thoughts

I fail to see why Evolution is such a thorn in the side of Believers. It tells you how life changed, not how it began. Yes, I see the conflict with Genesis 2, but that itself conflicts with the *first* chapter of Genesis, which may, with only a little rope, be read as a scientific explanation of Creation (by the standards of a nomadic Bronze Age people).