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Saturday, September 8, 2018

The Man has Patience

Not that a 44 year old that's led a normal (aka occasionally fun) life has any hope of a political career,  but Bay View's Facebook page has nixed any desire for it anyway.  Alderman Tony Zielinski is constantly,  and I mean CONSTANTLY, ridiculed, libeled,  and blamed for everything that happens, from the bad to the ridiculous,  in the district.  To his credit,  he takes the hits and still wades in the mire.  The hell with that.  I'd tell people to F off at least six times a day in his job.

The BVCC Food Pantry Charity Walk

We completed the annual 3 mile walk to benefit the local food pantry, but with one casualty: somewhere along the route LuLu  was exposed to an allergen and broke out in horrible hives, bad enough to warrant an ER visit halfway through the event. She's alright, thank God. Other than that, a splendid morning.

Dude, Where's My Car?

Dude parked his car in front of my house and crossed the road to his buddy's house,  looking anxiously over his shoulder at me the whole way.  Fear not sir,  I shall not steal your precious Ford Focus.

Friday, September 7, 2018

My Thoughts

My comment on a suggestion a rail line be built from the College Park and Ride to downtown: I despise the trolley, but I would full out revolt if an initiative was made to make it easier for suburbanites to use our city and its resources then return to their precious enclaves.


Chaco is coming on the charity walk tomorrow!!!

Thursday, September 6, 2018

My Day

1. I walked the kids to school today. 

2.LK had her phone confiscated and Lisa and I had to go retrieve it

3. In class I was the only student with any knowledge of an event from 1989. I get that y'all are young, but news flash: I was born in 1974, but nowhere on my birth certificate did it say I was forbidden from knowing about big world events that happened before that date. Read a damn book.

A Hero

According to the clerk at the gas station on Clement and Oklahoma, directly east of Mobil and across from the dojo, he successfully fought off a knife wielding man, and footage of the aborted gas station robbery will air on Channel 12. His wife is very angry he resisted, but he's justifiably proud of his actions all the same.


I don't buy Nike, so no I won't boycott them. Yes, I think they're a POS company that relies on abusive labor practices overseas while virtue signalling here, and no liberal seems to care. No, I don't think they'll go out of business. Yes, Capernick is a spoiled brat and failed QB who was angry he was benched and came up with something to get his name on the news. Have I answered all your questions?

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Another Pitbull Attack

Cue all the people who will say it's the training, not the breed. I'm sure this woman thought the same. So did all the other victims. Enough already.

First Day of School PIcs!

First day of school (for them)

The New "Mayans" TV Show

Eh. It's not SAMCRO, and they put an awful lot of balls in the air from the start. Too many, me thinks. But I trust Sutter, and I'll watch the rest of the season.

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

The Funeral of our Neighbor

It was a long drive to attend, especially on the heels of our trip to South Dakota. Still, LuLu, Junie and I wanted to represent the family and pay our respects, and for reasons I don't recall we took my baby grandniece Aliyah with us - her first trip out of state, and her first funeral. 

Kevin's ex was (pleasantly) surprised to see us there. LuLu was a comfort to Kevin's kids, and the flowers we had left the family were on display in the church. 

It was moving to see how many people loved Kevin. I only wish he had recognized that fact while he was here with us. 

The Bible Tour

Across from the corn palace was a shop with a walking tour of recreated Biblical scenes. We toured at the kind request of the shop owner. @ Mitchell, South Dakota

The Corn Palace

Stopped at the world's only 🌽 palace. @ Mitchell, South Dakota

A Gift from Lu

A belated birthday gift from LuLu !

Nick Clifford

I met the last remaining original Mount Rushmore worker, now age 97, and the sole survivor by 11 years. I bought his book and had it autographed. @ Mount Rushmore National Memorial

Some Pics of the Mount Rushmore Entrance

Our Hotel

We drove straight through the night and morning to South Dakota so we just enjoyed our hotel and waited until the next day to see the mountain.

This deer was my only company at 1am

Wall Drug

Overrated tourist crud. Skip it. 

South Dakota

The morning we arrived in South Dakota @ South Dakota

We're Back!

We just arrived home from a marathon trip to Mount Rushmore. 25 plus hours of driving in 53 hours, with our four kids and the exchange student. One big fight,  one puke,  one hour long wrong turn into Iowa, one tearfilled hour, one fender bender,  one national monument,  and one budget largely adhered to despite ourselves.

My younger kids will have missed the 1st day of school due to the late arrival from the trip. Having myself attended 20 plus years of school to date, they learned more on the road then they ever would in a single day in a classroom.

Justin Beiber

We just saw Justin Bieber on SNL, and called the girls down to watch him perform. LuLu is well and truly in love w/ the guy, and Junie says his name so cute . . . Anywho, while the Haters Hate, the kid produces enjoyable music with a radio friendly hook. Also of note: he did a fine job replicating Luda's rap from "Baby".

Saturday, September 1, 2018

An Explanation

Of course the McCain's hate the President.  Most Democrats do.