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Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Walker Loses

Hmm. Good thing the Dems just had 40k votes laying around to break the tie. #TheLordWorksInMysteriousWays #AndByTheLordIMeanTammanyHall

Serious question: how many never-vote stoners went to the polls yesterday (for a non- binding weed referendum) and changed the course of WI politics with their ballot?

He'll go on my mural of heroes someday. Ya done good sir. Thank you for your service.

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Good News


Reminder: If you're a legal US Citizen eligible to vote, please do so today.

If you're not a citizen, ineligible due to age or felony convictions, or long dead, then I'm sure you're eager to vote Democrat and no reminder was needed. My bad for wasting your time.


The movie itself was ok. What surprised me was just how awful Tom Hardy was in this movie. WtH?



A Beautiful Doggo


Slender Man

 Basically, The Ring.

The Spy Who Dumped Me

 McKinnon was a waste of salary, but overall it was ok.

Congrats to Sen. Romney!

 A hearty congratulations to new Utah Senator Mitt Romney!

Monday, November 5, 2018

I don't think so Tim

Currently for sale at a  retail store. (Burlington.) Currently.  As in *2018* not 2013. Good luck getting that $2.99 tho

Friday, November 2, 2018

Jack Benny still holds up

I'm literally LOL and applauding at a Jack Benny radio show where Benny goes off script to mock guest star Jack Warner (of Warner Bros) for flubbing his lines. RIP Jack, you were grand.