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Wednesday, June 12, 2024

The Watchers

Lisa and I had planned on a date night in Cedarburg after work Tuesday, but pivoted to a local theater to catch this film. Directed by Ishana Night Shyamalan, it continues our decade long streak of seeing new Shayamalan movies in the theater.

Mina is an American woman working in Ireland who continues to blame herself for the death of her mother 15 years prior.  She finds herself stranded in a forest - "not on any map" - where the night seems to harbor unseen creatures.  These creatures honor only one "safe" space for the humans trapped there,  a one room building whose fourth wall is a two way mirror by which "The Watchers" view their prey.

Look, without any real spoilers, I can tell you that pretty much everything in the 3rd act post-boat is absolutely sh*t.

But -

Before that, if you can forgive Mina pointlessly voicing her thoughts just to fill time, and the occasional cheesy dialouge of various characters ("hand me my bird!"), then you're left with a pretty decent movie. Not a classic mind you.  But decent and entertaining. 

Grade: C 

(B- if you stop at the boat scene)

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

William Russell

It is with deep regret that I report that on this day of happiness - LuLu's 21st birthday - some sadness has crept in. William Russell, who starred in the debut episode of Doctor Who in 1963 as Ian, one half of the pair of Earth teachers who were the Doctor's first companions - has died just shy of his 100th birthday. 

Russell resumed playing Ian - after almost a sixty year gap -  in Jodi Whitaker's final episode. 

He was a great companion, a man of action when the Doctor himself was a stodgy old man. His role helped make DW what it is, and we are eternally in his debt.