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Friday, April 3, 2015

Easter Egg Dyeing

Today is Good Friday, and as we have done since the 90's we dyed Easter eggs with the kids in our life, in this case our four and my Godson TJ.

YaYa  bought Smiley a switchblade comb, LuLu a pencil, Lisa a Rosie the Riveter tin, and Junie disappearing ink.

 A coworker at work brought this in for the holiday.

My bust of George Washington

 My YaYa is home from D.C.!

Here is the bust of George Washington she brought home from Mount Vernon for me!

Two Pics of Smiley

 Smiley, at birth and at 3 back in 2008.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

 Ran into Smiley at the park - still as sweet and polite as ever!! - Chris Pl.

Tuesday, March 31, 2015


 A movie about a struggling actress who literally starts to eat her own flesh. Low budget and not all that good but by golly they're trying

Sunday, March 29, 2015

 The WiFi on the bus sucks. But hello, Indiana.  - YaYa

YaYa Leaves for Washington DC

 Departure time. A cold, very windy sendoff. YaYa gave us each a quick hug, told me "don't die before I get back", and bounded up the stairs. She's somewhere in the windshield of the first pic.

BTW, another parent noticed YaYa had all "31" brand bags and said enviously "that should be my daughter." Lol
Have a great trip kid!

YaYa's Hair


Saturday, March 28, 2015

Rummage O Rama

I went to Rummage O Ramat just to purchase a butterfly case to display my political button collection. Here's the finished product. The earliest button I have is from the 1936 Presidential election.

This is a huge 4 by 4 foot display of political buttons a dealer tried to sell me for $200.

My man Nelson Rockefeller!

Spring Tulips

Spring tulips from my baby Dan .I love tulips, means it'll be warm soon, and always first up with the daffodils in the garden. - Lisa

The Badgers make the Final Four!

The bar here just erupted in cheers as the Badgers clinched a spot in the #FinalFour.

A Dinner with YaYa and Lisa

Eviscerating my paycheck at a bon voyage dinner for YaYa. She leaves for her eighth grade trip to Washington DC tomorrow.

Lisa had to go and talk about my YaYa
and how fast the time has gone. Now there's a grown ass man with tears literally streaming down his face as the waitress is taking dessert orders. Cripes.

 Spring tulips from my baby Dan. I love tulips, means it'll be warm soon, and always first up with the daffodils in the garden - Lisa

 Solo, with the kids at dance and music lessons and Lisa with her stepmom

Friday, March 27, 2015

Junie at an Admirals game


Joe Dorsey

 I was saddened to read the obituary of local radio personality Joe Dorsey. I remember listening to him on WOKY with my Pop when I was a kid. RIP

Monday, March 23, 2015

 Visiting my Ma with Lisa and Junie 

 I can't wait! Floyd all the way. #mayweather

Remember back when it was warm and sunny and springlike? You know, a few days ago? Today, we have this.

Five Presidents

Saturday, as a birthday gift from her, Lisa and I attended a performance of "Five Presidents" at the Milwaukee Rep.

It's set at Nixon's funeral, where all five living President's gather in one room before the service. It's insightful, warm, and very funny - and, importantly to me, funny without disrespecting either party or any of the Presidents involved. (Well, they take some shots at Nixon, but only a few).
It's a great play. Go see it.
Afterwards we had dinner at the casino and went shopping for a loveseat.
What a great time. Thanks Lisa!