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Saturday, August 23, 2008

Smiley's Trip to Chuck E Cheese

On July 25th Lisa and I took Smiley to Chuck E. Cheese. No other kids,  just the Little Man. He crumpled the above photo, btw, so do not adjust your monitors.

It was a weekday afternoon, very quiet, not busy at all. Smiley seemed to relish the time alone with his parents and it was good to be with him. I don't regret having four kids - I'd have more if Lisa would give the nod - but I will admit there's a certain calm harmony to focusing on one or two alone.

Why is he crying in the next shot? I don't remember, but I think we were denying him use of the tunnels until he ate a piece of pizza.

A good time, very sweet and relaxed. I think when we venture to Chuck E. Cheese's we'll try to take only one kid at a time from now on.

BTW - right after my last post I went to take a tortilla chip and some salsa. I immediately spit out the salsa. "Smiley!," I yelled. "What did you do?"

Turns out he dumped some bubble liquid into the brand new, just bought salsa, then mixed it up. I'd ask him what the heck he was thinking or planning, but since he doesn't talk (no sarcasm intended) it'll always be a mystery.

Criminey. Serves me right for waxing poetic about them. ;)


Anonymous said...

If one must go to Chuck E. Cheese, I would venture to say that taking one child per visit would be the way to go. I can't speak from experience, but it's an educated guess.

Good luck!


Anonymous said...

Did you blow bubbles when you were asking Smiley what he did ???

Anonymous said...

Liquid Soap...maybe he thought he'd take care of your hot breath at the same time from the Salsa. Maybe your goodnight kiss is a bit spicy afterwards! HA! Like the kid who "fed the VCR machine the oatmeal" in the commercial remember? Probably makes perfect sense to him.

Anonymous said...

What a lad !!  Yuck soapy salsa !!!!   that was a nice photo of Lisa and him as well. I think it is so good to make each child feel an individual and you are both doing that so well.   Good on you and Lisa.   Love  sybil xx

Anonymous said...

One kid at Chucky Cheese is the way to go....lots more fun and calmer too

Soap in the salsa, egg up stairs, I think I would put a lock on the ref... lol


Anonymous said...

LMAO!  so I'm not to the only one to happen upon something mixed with soap?!  well, either my kid is normal or both of our kids are really wierd ;)

I'd bet Smiley had a great time on his own.  They really love that one on one time...and yeah, it's more pleasant to not have to worry about what's going on in 4 different places.  LOL, I'm still impresed y'all make it through the grocery store ;)

Anonymous said...

I do the one on one with my grandchildren (if you read my blog I just wrote about it).  I think it is a good idea to focus on just one at a time and give them a chance to be the center of attention for a minute.  Glad Smiley had fun....and you too.
Hugs, Joyce

Anonymous said...

I can think of any number of experiences that would be improved if EVERYONE observed a one child, two parent rule. As you may have noticed with your four, that's not always practical. I[m glad you frequently get/make the chance for one-on-one with yours.

Soap in the salsa? Beats salt in the sugar, perhaps?

;^) Jan the Gryphon