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Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The Internet and Blogs in 1837?

Here's something interesting I saw today on Refdesk.

Way back in 1837 Russian  Prince Vladimir Fyodorovich Odoevsky wrote a futuristic novel that seems to have genuinely envisioned both the internet and (drumroll please) blogging.

I guess there's no idea on this Earth that hasn't been thought of at one time or another.

Take a look at this quote. [emphasis mine]

Finally, today we received a household journal from the prime minister, where we, among others, were invited to a soiree. You need to know that in many houses, especially those well connected, such journals are published, having replaced regular correspondence.

The journals usually provide information about the hosts’ good or bad health, family news, various thoughts and comments, small inventions, as well as invitations; in case of a dinner invitation, also the menu.

Besides, for communicating in emergency, friends' houses are connected by means of magnetic telegraphs that allow people who live far from each other to talk to each other.


  1. Very Cool, perhaps Vlad was from the "future" :o)

  2. Wow, amazingly prescient. While he may not have envisioned the Net, he certainly was able to recognize the possibility of future communications. Very cool!


  3. So sorry I offended you with my compliments on your little girl.  I found your entry by chance on a "recent" entry list, and enjoyed your entries loads.   Enjoy J-Land, I do!
    N :0)

  4. What do they say Dan...There is nothing new underthe sun....maybe,  however clever,  we might think we are,  we don't know everything  LOL !!
    Sybil xx

  5. Interesting, but I guess everything has been thought of at one time or another..


  6. With so much of what our familiar SF writers have written coming true--from Verne's visions of undersea exploration; the pervasive, voyeuristic security cameras of "1984"; interactive television walls of "Farenheit 451" and palm-sized communicators/wrist tvs of "Star Trek" and "Dick Tracy"--I'm not suprised by this visionary's ideas of journaling. I like it that he thinks of dinner invitations, complete with menus, as the sort of thing to be communicated by blogs.

    Thanks for sharing.

    ;^) Jan the Gryphon

  7. Good God...someone start reading some older books to see what is coming up next! Also, maybe we can make a mint if we come up with it! HA!

  8. See also:


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