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Sunday, January 23, 2005

Problem with the site

I'm aware that my pics - which showed up for, oh, an hour - have gone missing on the site.

I'll try to fix it as soon as possible, and if I can't I'll clean up the post to make the text look coherent.


Update: Okay, I got some great advice on how to load the pics - but they came up bigger than the page. So I've put links in the text to the pages that hold the pics. It still isn't perfect - the pics look grainy and one shows up only occasionally - but it's better than it was.


  1. just a note .. when you upload your images to your FTP space, you need to make sure, when entering the remote file name, to include the correct extension (.gif, .jpg etc) or you'll have problems getting the images to appear
    you can rename your files by using the utility function in FTP .. feel free to email me if you need some help and perhaps i can lend some assistance or point you in the right direction to get instructions

  2. :) i thoroughly enjoyed reading about the event and viewing the images .. it appears that you need to delete the large images (they take up a lot of space) resize the images and then reload them to your ftp space ..

    here is a free program, i don't have experience with it but i have seen
    recommendations ..

    or if you have winXP you can download the Image Resizer for free

    hope that helps !! and thanks again for sharing your experience !!


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