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Sunday, January 24, 2010

A Running Tally of my Thoughts during a day of NFL games

Congrats to Indy and the best QB of this (or any??) era on their victory over the Jets.  Now, it's time to root on the Saints.

Tied at halftime, thanks to Brett's lousy handoff - and just as they were about to step on NO's throat too. ('tho I think it was more Peterson's fault myself). 2nd half should be good.

Again w/ the prepared script. Brett does something stupid on the field and IMMEDIATELY he's in pain, wincing and carrying on. But hark! Moments later, after the TV crew has time to laud his injury and gloss over the INT, he's fine. Imagine that. Douche.

Hey Joe Buck - get over your man crush on the Vikings and pretend to be objective, Mkay? I cannot believe Troy Aikman is the voice of reason in that booth. My word.

Booyah! Once again Brett chokes in the post-season and goes home empty handed. My phone is ringing with friends calling to bask in the gloat - - and I've already called my traitorous sister to rub it in! Whoo-hoo! Enjoy your one and ONLY ring!

From a FB friend: "Last two NFC Championship games Favre played in, his last pass was an was bitter the first time, it's sweet the second time." Amen!

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