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Wednesday, January 30, 2013


Also on Monday: "Sinister", a horror movie with Ethan Hawke. He plays a true crime writer who uncovers sadistic home movies of entire families being killed, thus exposing what appears to be a previously unknown serial killer. Unfortunately, that's only sorta-kinda the case, and you get the feeling this isn't going to end well. 

Scary? I covered my eyes a few times during moments of lost-manhood, and I have no hesitation in saying its the creepiest soundtrack ever. It didn't help that one of the murder sites featured my street address (!) which was repeated over and over in one scene just to make me squirm. 

For some reason, when we went to bed that night, our computer TWICE turned on for no reason in the middle of the night, waking us ala the movie. After the second time I unplugged it from the wall and huddled under my blanket, literally praying it wouldn't somehow turn on again and prove that we were F*ed. LOL Grade: A+

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