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Sunday, March 16, 2014

Play-Dough Forts

 A mixed day so far. Smiley got playdoh from Junie for his birhday, and yeah, he's too old for it, but it meant a lot to LK. I explained to him that life is all about meeting his obligations, and one of those obligations is to protect his sisters feelings in this situation and tip his cap to how much she loved him, so I sat down with the two of them and improved a game.

Each of us took a handful of fire and police action figures, made playdoh defensive positions for them, then took turns launching catapult bombs at the other side (playdoh balls flung from a spoon). It was a BIG hit, and in the end Smiley asked if we could buy him more Play-doh! LOL

Then PD and I hung up the birdhouses we got for our respective birthdays. That was the good. Then . . . .
I had all four kids "help" me clean the upstairs hallway, and it quickly devolved into a pathetic rats nest of screaming, crying, whining, and laziness. I tossed out their TV and the stand, and busted apart and hauled away their communal chest of drawers. Not out of anger - it was due to go - but it certainly took away some stress. The hallway still looks like sh*t, but it's a start.

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