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Sunday, April 5, 2015

Easter Pics

Here's #TeamSlap on the way to Easter Vigil Mass last night. In my opinion it's the most moving and powerful Mass of the year, and it brought me to tears of awe (if there are such a thing) two years ago. Even the repetitive poetic refrain from the reading from Genesis is powerful. "Evening came, and morning followed. The X day."
Unfortunately it's also quite long and the kids grew restless, esp. Smiley. At one point I'd had enough and issued a warning better suited to the bar room than church.
"Really Dad? Really?! In church??" Smiley said.
"Then you know it's true, cuz I promised before God," I said.

Also, during the second reading (the parting of the Red Sea) LuLu, the consummate Avatar fan, nudged me and said "See? There were Benders in the Bible"


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