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Friday, June 30, 2017
Why Disney?
Wednesday, June 28, 2017
Aunt Rosie
Canoeing Ain't For Babies
Too Harsh man, too harsh
Huh Bernie?
Tuesday, June 27, 2017
The India Trip
The ISIS Teen
This Hip
Anthony Young
Monday, June 26, 2017
The Trial of a Time Lord
4 stories under a single 14 episode title, there are a lot of ups and downs in this final appearance of the 6th Doctor. Baker's performance features a lot of overacting, the trial is as realistic as Legally Blonde, and it all just feels a bit tired and sad. But it wasn't all bad.
Camp Archery
LK Goes to Camp
Dropping LK off at the camp bus stop was not easy-peezy, as the line took more than twenty minutes to advance. But whatev. She was in great spirits and I hope she had a blast at camp.
A Possum Tale
As she was getting her bike out of the shed Junie ran to me saying there was an animal in the fertilizer spreader. Indeed there was, a young possum that refused to budge until I carried the spreader out and tipped it over on the grass. It's age kept me from killing it, but i can't have it taking up residence in the shed. So I'll be cooking up some internet solutions shortly.
Bible Update
Finished Nehemiah (good writer, admirable man), Tobit (yawn), and Judith (women be trouble, then and now).
Sunday, June 25, 2017
Best meal ever at Romines, might have been the strong ass margarita that made the meal so good, lol. Good times with Dan and LK
Saturday, June 24, 2017
Friday, June 23, 2017
Bible Reading - Update
I've finished reading the book of Ezra
Makes sense
1.5 inches of rain after midnight and I wake up to sunshine and dry ground. Makes sense.
Thursday, June 22, 2017
A Political Post
No one seems to care, but Obama's DHS Secretary testified under oath that the DNC refused to cooperate with Homeland Security as it investigated hacking charges during the election season. The Democrats - speaking only in terms of the official party here - are as crooked and shady as they come.
Wednesday, June 21, 2017
A Lesson
Life lesson from #DatelineTV: the 911 operator is not your ally, your confidant, or a neutral party. Anything you say, or don't say to her, and in what tone or lack thereof, in what is surely the most panic stricken moment of your life, will be abused and twisted by a prosecutor more concerned with victory than justice.
My Latest Painting
It's not up to my wife's level, but it a'right. I'm not sure what's up with my left arm in the picture, unless I was trying to honor Bob Dole.
Strange Victory
When you wake up having to pee and your kid consciously jumps into the bathroom ahead of you, and slams the door proclaiming "You don't control me!" in some odd pubescent victory.
The GA Congressional Race
If the numbers I've seen are accurate, Trump won GA-6 by less than two % points; yesterday Ossoff lost it by 5-6% pts. Any claim it is a closet Dem victory is woefully misguided.
Kay Eckstein
RIP Kay Eckstein, the Marquette benefactor that donated $51 million to the law school that bears her name.
My Thoughts
I think marriage is about the only decision you make for the rest of your life. Everything else is subject to change, unless you want the seventy year old you to be subject to the promises of an immature twenty year old.
A "Privilege" Quiz
A friend posted a quiz to determine your "privilege" in life, , and was I was honestly surprised by this result. I think the concept itself is largely apologetic hoohah, but I guess growing up poor, fat, and mildly crazy has its (dis)advatages. I'll try and link the quiz in the comments.
Showtime becomes a second-run theater
That was unexpected. Showtime has always been a high quality theater, but I guess Marcus owns it now so it is what it is. Good for my pocketbook if nothing else.
Tuesday, June 20, 2017
Monday, June 19, 2017
The Holy Family Medal
Last week I bought Lisa a new bike and so now Team Slap can properly follow my evacuation plan when the zombie apocalypse arrives. Today our trip was more sedate, journeying with Smiley to a local Catholic store to pick out a Father's Day gift. I wanted a St Joseph medal, as I was born on his feast day and he's the patron saint of fathers. Alas, some were sold out and the rest too pricey, so instead I picked out a medallion of the Holy Family. Great gift guys!
Probably a bad sign when you're dreading going back to work starting the minute you leave for your days off. . .
Amiley biked down to the library my himself and had his bag tear and the books scatter across the road. He handled it like a boss, no help from us. Good man (in training).
A Lucky Day
Took a bike ride with Dan, not one rain drop. Went into Store, did a lil shopping. Came out and noticed it rained while in store but again, not a drop on ride home. Get inside, less the five minutes later the skies open up for a pour....I think I might buy a scratch off, luck is on my side today! 💚 - Lisa
Our Day
We're down one car (more on that later) and with appointments all over town this morning I biked to one, Lisa headed to Brookfield for another, and I sent the two youngest to swim class on their bikes. I came home to find PD and LK salty as heck. Apparently our calendar was wrong and there was no class and they were locked out of the house. They called grandma to come unlock the door but I got home in time. Hardly a tragedy. But what was is that a baby bird fell to its death in our yard. I buried him with honors.
By the way, if you are 300 pounds and have a bad hip, I strongly suggest you do not bike 2 miles uphill to an appointment unless you have ample time to do so. I made it in time, but I will pay for it shortly
Disgusted to hear of another terrorist attack in London, this time perpetrated against Muslims. Pointless, divisive, and morally wrong.
Sunday, June 18, 2017
Preach Danny
It never ceases to amaze me. Visit a weight loss FB site and scores of commenters criticize everyone else's food and exercise choices.