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Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Airline Problems

Woke up to find Yaya's flight out of Milwaukee was cancelled.  Now rescheduled for a slightly later flight, but unfortunately with a layover in Baltimore.

Yaya departed for her trip this morning. As we checked her in many people that were showing up for her original flight were told of the cancellation and informed that the next flight was sold out, with the next nonstop leaving in 24 hours. "Good thing I called and rebooked your ticket," I said. All she said in response was "thanks" but I'm telling you it was the most sincere and honest thank you I've heard from her in years :) Safe travels kid!

YaYa's connecting flight was cancelled and she's stranded in Baltimore. I'm working the phones as I write this.

YaYa'snow booked on an 8pm to Logan, arriving at 935. She'll spend six hours in the terminal, but that's better than overnight.

YaYa was supposed to be in Boston by 9am. When last we spoke half an hour ago, at 8:30pm, she was hopeful that she was going to depart; this, after eight hours of waiting in the airport alone, having the flight bumped multiple times, boarding then being told to deplane, and waiting in vain on the tarmac. #FingersCrossed

YaYa is in Boston and has met up with the tour leader!

Many thanks to Garrett E and Cullen B., residents of Maryland and Mass respectively,  for offering to help YaYa during her travel fiasco!

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