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Tuesday, September 8, 2020


After six months, I finally returned to a movie theater today, happily taking Lisa out to see Christopher Nolan's Tenet. Unfortunately, the movie didn't live up to the hype. It's beautifully filmed and the acting was top- notch. But as my lady pointed out, what's the motivation behind the unnamed Protagonist constantly risking the literal fate of humanity to instead save a woman that is neither his friend, lover, or responsibility? It doesn't make sense. Not to mention, I've got more degrees than a thermometer and I was still confused as heck during some of the action scenes. IMO, Nolan could have cut out the sci-fi elements and had a spectacular espionage film. Instead he gave us . . . this.


On a separate note, even on a $5 Tuesday the cinema was largely empty, and Covid meant yellow tape across many seats, no salt shakers at the concession stands, masks throughout, and a new cup for every soda refill. A very odd experience.


The last movie I saw in theaters prior to this: Birds of Prey, with Lulu in early March.

The Star was a great actor for sure, he made me want to understand. Anyone else I’d have been gone gone lol.  Lisa

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