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Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Joe Biden by Evan Osnos

I read this book looking to get a more comprehensive understanding of Joe Biden. I can't say that was accomplished, largely because the author felt free to insert himself in the narrative and hold to no standard of impartiality; understandably, that makes it rather hard to trust what's on the page. 

The book briefly touches on Biden's personal life, races through his time in the Senate, discusses his role as VP in some detail, and ends with a thinly disguised wish list of how the author hopes a Biden Presidency will go. Flaws and mistakes are briefly presented, but only so they can be quickly dismissed by the author.  

Truly, there isn't much meat here. It's a glorified campaign piece. Shame on me for believing what were obviously biased reviews before I picked it up, and shame on the author for blowing the opportunity to convince a Republican that this is a man worth following.

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