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Thursday, January 7, 2021

On January 6th

I posted the news articles yesterday (on FB) as placeholders, so that in the future they'd pop up in FB memories, and thus did not bother to caption them. I have not even read the comments, bc Idgaf about the wretched platform most days. I keep Facebook largely bc after a decade the sheer weight of material I've written precludes abandoning it. If I could go back in time, I'd avoid FB altogether and stick to my blog. Give me Instagram anyday. 

But since some people chose to read into it, let me make my position clear. I think breaking into and occupying the capitol was stupid. I do not think it is worse than burning and looting cities all summer, but it isn't something to applaud. It was dumb and pointless and generated horrific attention. It gives America a black eye. 

I think Trump, in decades hence, had the chance to have his administration objectively rated as successful by historians. I think his endless tantrum post election, and the incidents of Jan 6th, have irrevocably damaged those chances. He blew it. 

You can think differently, it doesn't matter to me. You do you. If political thoughts decided a person's worth, I wouldn't associate with 90% of the people I know. Like what you do in the bedroom, politics has Jack to do with what I think of you. Just keep it civil and don't be an insensitive ahole.

That's all.  


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