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Wednesday, February 23, 2022

The Beatles Love by Cirque Du Soleil

To cap off the day we walked over to the Mirage to see Cirque de Soleil's The Beatles: Love. It's a combination of acrobatics, dance, and theatre set to the music of the Fab Four. I'll be honest, a lot of the time I didn't know what the heck was going on, because some of it is as trippy as a '60's student art film. I *do* know this: it was gorgeous, creative, and sometimes jaw dropping. We were in the second row, section 108, close enough to interact with a performer that came off the stage before the show, and to literally be enveloped by a fabric prop near the end of the performance. Our seats also put us next to a theatre tech on 3 occasions as they secured rigging, and allowed us an expansive look at the catwalks (?) above the stage; both were of interest because two of our kids were stage techs in high school, and one has chosen theatre as her life's work. In short, the show was very good, and well worth a ticket. If you visit Vegas, go see it!

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