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Sunday, May 10, 2015

25 years ago today: the big snowstorm!

25 years ago,on a day I remember very well as a high school student, Milwaukee was hit by a snowstorm - ON MAY 10TH! 

Here's Vince Condella, WITI meteorologist, talking about his memories of that day: 

25 years ago today (May 10, 1990) I awoke to quite a surprise. Actually everybody was surprised. On the TV6 News at 10 the previous night, my forecast called for a chilly, cloudy day ahead with light rain. But overnight the weather system intensified, or deepened as we call it in the meteorology business. That increase in intensity brought colder air into the system and changed any rain to snow overnight. I couldn't believe when I woke up and heard reports on the radio of a heavy wet snow. I was hoping it was a dream. No such luck. And because we had warm weather in the previous weeks, including temperatures in the 80s in late April, the trees were budding and full of new leaves. Those leaves got loaded with the heavy wet snow and came down, bringing power lines with it.

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