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Friday, May 5, 2023

A Disturbance in the Force

A few days ago I saw a Facebook post advertising a unique event: a showing of the documentary "A Disturbance in the Force" as both the closing film of the Milwaukee Film Festival AND a celebration of May the 4th. 

I don't go out very often lately, but this was worth the effort. My friend Tre and I arrived at the Oriental, tickets in hand, to find a line that stretched down the block and around the corner. 


Once inside, a first: I got to sit in the balcony at the historic theater. And it is quite the beauty. 

 By the way, this was allegedly the first sell-out of the theater since Covid.

The documentary traces the creation of the infamous 1978 Star Wars Holiday Special, and the impact it had on fandom. I found the film funny, informative, and well worth the watch. 

Afterwards there was a Q &A with the director, and then Tre and I headed over to Axe Mke to catch up over a drink. 

A nice way to spend an evening!

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