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Tuesday, April 14, 2015

150 years on - Lincoln is shot

Respect and love, on this, the 150th anniversary of Lincoln's shooting. May you continue to rest in peace.
A crowd honors Lincoln outside Ford's Theatre on the anniversary of his shooting

The Fast and the Furious (2001)

Very entertaining.

LuLu's  asthma flared overnight and since she was a zombie in the morning I kept her home from school (a rarity here). But as a consequence, with Lisa gone helping her step-mom, I missed an event at Marquette I wanted to see. No one's fault but mine, but I'm disappointed.

Saturday, April 11, 2015

This culture - or at least the media that represents it - is addicted to manufactured outrage. Good grief.

 While we were eating dinner outside I saw The Squirrel - the fat, cocky spawn of Satan that has terrorized this neighborhood for years and destroyed the gasket on my driver's side window - casually roaming around INSIDE my van. #mortalEnemies

The first robin of the year

First Robin AND first grill out of 2015, plus for the first time ever I have the laptop outside so I can work on my brief and still enjoy the day! Whoohoo!

I took a bike ride to the library with Junie but it closed just as we got there, and KK is waaay too crowded on the weekends to comfortably ride on the sidewalk with a seven year old. So not the greatest trip. While we were gone YaYa and LuLu took their bikes out to Walgreens. Quite the mobile family now.

Friday, April 10, 2015

Uncle George

I got word this evening that my Uncle George (my Godmother's husband) had a heart attack Thursday and is in critical condition. Prayers for him are appreciated.

@ Gold Rush Chicken

 I biked here with Junie to pick up dinner. Now, how to haul this home without a basket. D'oh.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

 Quite the thunderstorm out there. LOVE this weather.

Appamatox - 150 years on

150 years ago today, in a small village west of Petersburg, Virginia, the bloodiest war in American history effectively came to an end as the great Ulysses S. Grant accepted the surrender of Robert E Lee and the Army of Northern Virginia.

A Memory of Lisa's Childhood

Lisa used an identical bag as a child when she went by her Grandma K---. (albeit with the name Lisa on it, not Rebecca lol)

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

My Eisenhower Scrapbooks

Here are some screenshots of a great present Lisa's friend JJ bought me for my birthday last month: three authentic scrapbooks from the 1950's, each chock full of clippings of Da Man, Dwight David Eisenhower.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

#197 from my ward.


150 years ago today, Gen. U.S. Grant, sensing the end was near, sent his first letter asking for the surrender of Robert E Lee. It was not accepted, and the bloodshed went on for two more days.

RIP James Best

 Rest in Peace Roscoe

Monday, April 6, 2015

The Badgers Lose the National Championship

 Coach K is the definition of class. If you have to lose, lose to the best.  

Still a heck of a season. #Bucky #Badgers

Fast and Furious 7

With Parker - at the Avalon

The movie theater was nearly deserted because of the Badger game, so we had it largely to ourselves. It was the first Furious movie either of us had seen, and it was thoroughly enjoyable. Great action scenes. A great time with my favorite guy.

Sunday, April 5, 2015

 Visiting my Mom for her birthday/Easter!

- at Southpointe Healthcare Center.

Easter Pics

Here's #TeamSlap on the way to Easter Vigil Mass last night. In my opinion it's the most moving and powerful Mass of the year, and it brought me to tears of awe (if there are such a thing) two years ago. Even the repetitive poetic refrain from the reading from Genesis is powerful. "Evening came, and morning followed. The X day."
Unfortunately it's also quite long and the kids grew restless, esp. Smiley. At one point I'd had enough and issued a warning better suited to the bar room than church.
"Really Dad? Really?! In church??" Smiley said.
"Then you know it's true, cuz I promised before God," I said.

Also, during the second reading (the parting of the Red Sea) LuLu, the consummate Avatar fan, nudged me and said "See? There were Benders in the Bible"


Goldwater Button

 The newest addition to my collection. My first Goldwater and, IMO, quite an attractive piece.

Happy Easter

 Happy Easter everyone! Have a blessed day :)


Friday, April 3, 2015

A rare intact horse skeleton dating to the Roman period has been unearthed in England. 

Egg Dyeing Pt 2

 Modeled after one of my buttons!

The handiwork of LuLu.
A lot of it Avatar: The Last Airbender themed 🙂

Junie's work:

And my Godchild