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Friday, May 15, 2015

The verdict on Smiley's ankle: a fracture on the growth plate and a torn ligament. He'll be in a cast for three weeks and a walking boot after that, along with possible physical therapy. There is some concern his summer camp may need to be canceled or rescheduled, but hopefully that won't be the case. Mucho thanks to Lisa for enduring a three hour orthopedic visit with him.
I just biked here to the post office with Lisa and Junie

Thursday, May 14, 2015

May Tyler Lu

Today Lulu was rocking the Mary Tyler Moore look. (that's a compliment, kid)

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Quote of the Day

Me, to Lisa, as we lay in bed last night: "This isn't my pillow - no way you'd let me have something this comfortable."

Sick Days

Yesterday was quite the evening. Smiley hurt his ankle in gym class and after walking with a pronounced limp at his dentist appt, Lisa took him to urgent care. 

The diagnosis? A broken ankle, a cast, and crutches. [Some good news: he still needs to be seen by an ortho to confirm the diagnosis and God willing, maybe they read the X-rays wrong.] 

Junie had a high fever and sore throat and went with him to the ER, where she was diagnosed with step throat. Minus two of my favorite riding partners, I had to bike to Walgreens alone to fill her prescription 🙁


It's our first day back on Netflix in a year, and first up for me was this movie length sci-fi pilot about a family searching parallel Earth's for their missing father. Pretty darn good. I hope it inspires enough interest to kick off a series.

Monday, May 11, 2015

I'm bored. It's almost as bad as being the patient. ALMOST - with the three youngest kids at Marquette School of Dentistry

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Mother's Day

Treating Lisa for Mother's Day at Red Robin and waiting waaay too long for service

25 years ago today: the big snowstorm!

25 years ago,on a day I remember very well as a high school student, Milwaukee was hit by a snowstorm - ON MAY 10TH! 

Here's Vince Condella, WITI meteorologist, talking about his memories of that day: 

25 years ago today (May 10, 1990) I awoke to quite a surprise. Actually everybody was surprised. On the TV6 News at 10 the previous night, my forecast called for a chilly, cloudy day ahead with light rain. But overnight the weather system intensified, or deepened as we call it in the meteorology business. That increase in intensity brought colder air into the system and changed any rain to snow overnight. I couldn't believe when I woke up and heard reports on the radio of a heavy wet snow. I was hoping it was a dream. No such luck. And because we had warm weather in the previous weeks, including temperatures in the 80s in late April, the trees were budding and full of new leaves. Those leaves got loaded with the heavy wet snow and came down, bringing power lines with it.

Mother's Day

Me and Junie

Had such a great time tonight seeing the kids dance...😊 - Cousin Mindy

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Awful News

My best friend's father passed away unexpectedly last night. I ask that you keep him in your thoughts and prayers as he mourns the loss of his Dad.

100 years ago

100 years ago today the RMS Lusitania, a British passenger liner illegally carrying ammunition to the home isles, was torpedoed by German U-Boat 20 and sunk off the coast of Ireland. 1,198 people lost their lives, including 128 Americans. The event galvanized American thoughts on the conflict and eased our entry into the war two years later. To all the victims - RIP Also - 70 years ago tomorrow Eisenhower accepted the unconditional surrender of German forces in WWII
The word "thug" describes a behavior pattern, not a race. I have seen the word applied to black and white alike, from muggers downtown to mafia goons on TV. It's about as racially generic as you can get. The media manufactured a linguistic controversy because they like to stir the pot and keep us all at each others throats for the sake of their ratings. What better way to do that then to hold the language captive?

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

The Sultan of Swat

100 years ago today Babe Ruth hit his first (of 714) major league home runs. #IBowToThee #MightyPinstripes #TBE
YaYa's taking some heat on Facebook for recognizing Floyd Mayweather's greatness, an opinion she developed by watching him fight, not because I'm a fan. Good on her! Keep preaching the truth girl!


In a doctor's office and able to overhear the doc discuss my hip in detail with a med student in the hallway. It's a better summation than what she gives me. I'm learning some stuff for a change. lol
I think the Con Law final was the most difficult so far in law school, in large part because of the format: 53 questions over four hours, most of them multiple choice. You'd think that would be easy, but when each possible answer is fifty words long and filled with bits of truth, twists of logic, and lawyerly gobbledygook, er, not so much. I'm sure I did fine - I certainly didn't fail - but given my expectations I may be disappointed. We'll see. I know the material, I just hope the grade reflects that fact.

Junie's First Communion Celebration Trip - the final post!

Lisa got Junie a haircut and style before we headed back home

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

About to take my final in Constitutional Law - at Marquette