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Saturday, June 20, 2015

Yup Yup

How I feel every day, people. EVERY DAY. :)

A-Rod gets his 3000th hit! I bow to thee!!


A friend mentioned she's taking her dad out to lunch Sunday. Instinctively I responded, "I should call my dad and make....". Before I finished the sentence tears streamed down my face because It hurt so much to remember I don't have my dad to call. Sundays gonna be hard, hug your dads extra tight. 😢 - Lisa

Friday, June 19, 2015

My Thoughts

I don't understand why we can't grieve for the victims of the South Carlolina church shootings without instantly turning it political. 

On the left: I don't think the shooter will got off easy because he's white, and I don't think it's indicative of any societal flaw beyond our inability to identify a killer's soul before he earns the title. I don't think the Confederate flag had anything to do with it.

 On the right: It's idiotic to turn this into an argument for concealed carry. Even with this event, if you feel the need to carry a gun into Christ's home "for protection" you're practicing the wrong faith. And it's damn tacky for it to have been brought up in print already. 

Also, it is long past time to get rid of the vile Confederate flag. Not because it is or isn't racist, but because it is the flag of literal traitors to this nation. It should never have been allowed in the first place. What other nation would tolerate that slight for 150 years? 

To both: I haven't dug into the gun control aspect of this shooting, but if there's a glaring alarm that we missed before he got armed, then that's a hole that needs to be plugged and never re-opened.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Rocky Marciano

My step-mother in law just called to say she found an autograph of undefeated Heavyweight champion Rocky Marciano she'd like to give me! Great news, but now when I stop by it'll look like I did so only to profit from the visit - which just this once, might be true! lol thanks Louise

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

I Like:

I like archeology, astronomy, NKOTB, history, law, books, boxing, baseball, Dr Who, writing, Buddy Holly, politics, bicycling, sex, Nero Wolfe, the British Empire, movies, the Catholic Church, grunge, cruise ships, Ancient Rome, the Yankees, Big Band, and Team Slap. I am vulgar and obscene but never profane, I like being responsible for living things, and I enjoy being the center of attention. That pretty much sums me up.
Today went to heck in a hand basket fast, but before it did I had the pleasure of taking PD, LK, and LK's friend on a 2.8 mile bike ride to the bank, followed by a short ride to the park afterwards.

LuLu swipes my phone!

What happens when I leave my phone unattended LOL

My Day

I have been all over the north side today, running errands while the girls played softball. Aside from a man openly smoking what smelled like a mid-grade joint in the parking lot of a Walmart at the former Capitol Court , it was just a typical morning. Enjoying the sun for a change 🙂

My Thoughts

Far too many people are excusing Rachel Dolezal, the NAACP leader who lied about being black, by comparing her to Caitlin Jenner. Not because it's an apt comparison, but because it's a way to subtly slam transgendered people without sounding like that's your intention.

In the News Today

JUST IN: FDA: Food manufacturers have 3 years to remove artificial trans fats in processed foods after determination that they are not “generally recognized as safe" --

Smiley's Caterpillar

The caterpillar Smiley found at the park Monday. He assures me it will not turn into a moth. 🙂

Monday, June 15, 2015

My Readers

I took LuLu to the library today and she left with a literal armful of books but refused to wait with me and went out to the van. A library clerk stopped and asked me if I'd come with my daughter and asked where YaYa was - yes, they know her by name. 

"No, not YaYa, LuLU."

"She likes reading too?"

"Yeah, but she's too cool to admit it."

In the van I told Lu about the conversation.

"Most people at school know I like to read. They saw me reading a book once," she said.

"Egads," I said, "the horror you must have felt."


The Girls are at Softball Camp

Waiting out softball camp at a McDonald's 

Friday, June 12, 2015