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Monday, July 1, 2024

Sunday, June 30, 2024

It is 3:58 PM

 So far today: 

Went to bed shortly after midnight. 

Woke up and drove Junie to work at 5 a.m. 

Went back to sleep 

Woke up at 8 to help Lisa prep for a day up in Omro

Did a blog post

Ate breakfast with LuLu

trimmed my hair, shaved, showered

Went to 11 a.m. Mass

Picked up Junie from work right after

Dropped off curtains at my mother-in-law's to have the hem removed 

Took Junie's phone in for a SIM card fix

Went to Walmart - reordered Lisa's medicine, picked up some of Lu's, a necklace for Lisa and groceries

Stopped at YaYa's to pick up a lawn chair for the 4th of July

Visited my cousin Jon at his new apartment 

Sat and enjoyed the patio with my doggos 

update: Smiley made tacos in the evening, I cleaned and rearranged my radio area in the living room, and did some laundry. Later YaYa and Alex came by to visit with LuLu and her boyfriend. 

Take It Or Leave It

Lisa and I are really digging this new smooth jazz single.