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Friday, July 5, 2024

A Dream

I had a dream that co-starred Chad, another lawyer in my office. 

We were together in a parking garage in the old Grand Avenue Mall in MKE. He was wearing a light gray suit and carried a traditional briefcase. In that reality you relied on other people's cars. We waited until a car with three older women pulled into a spot - I think one was a nun, but not wearing a habit - and Chad asked them for the car.  They were willing but hesitant.  I said we'd show them our ID, and once we presented bar cards they happily gave him the keys. They were there for a food tasting and asked for the directions to the glass elevators.  I said I didn't know where the glass ones were but pointed to a bank of elevators nearby and they thanked us and left.  

Then Chad and I were waking through the mall and passed a sports memorabilia store that had, in their window,  a sign saying "Harry Hopper" next to a basketball.  I said he must have been an old Bucks player and Chad, very contemptuously, said "He played for the Bucks LAST year."

That's all I remember.

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