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Sunday, July 14, 2024

The Squirrel Chase this AM

 Every morning when I let the dogs out the local wildlife scatters from my yard. Birds fly off in a huff, a rabbit or two will duck under the fence, a squirrel will high-tail it along the top of the fence boards. 

Today, however, they all seemed mildly hungover, and there was a split second delay before any responded. 

That . . . was an error on their part. 

The dogs quickly focused on a squirrel. Good choice, as I despise the furry rats, although I do not seek for them to be harmed. They chased this guy around, one of the dogs always managing to cut off his avenue of escape. I stood there watching from the back door, screen door wide open in my hand. 

Naturally the squirrel took the only path left open to it: it ran right up the porch and headed for my open door.. 

I may have squealed a bit in shock and fear - I do not say that I did, but I may have - and quite feebly kicked out with my foot to discourage its path, connecting with only air. 

It did the trick tho, as right before the door it did a sharp 90 degree turn and dove off the porch into relative safety behind the shed. 

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