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Sunday, July 7, 2024

A Dream

 Another wild dream last night. 

Both our cars were parked on our slab behind the house. I backed into the alley with my Mazda and boom, this dark sedan zips past me, squeezes dangerously close to Lisa's car, and drives into my backyard. 

Fool, I thought, he can't get out the front, there's no room. Now, this fails to explain how he fit his car through the standard person-sized gate to the backyard, but hey, it was a dream. 

Largely to protect my yard from damage, I went to tell the driver he couldn't get out that way and would have to reverse his steps. 

There were two guys in the car, both heavily bearded, both without mustaches, and creepy as heck. 

In the next instance my front fence was gone, replaced by a solid wall of plywood as much as twelve feet high. I think the car had driven through the old fence, but that memory is dim now.  The car, for sure, was gone. 

And that's all I recall. 

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