, pub-4909507274277725, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Slapinions: Biden Is Out of the Race

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Sunday, July 21, 2024

Biden Is Out of the Race

A historic moment of course, the first sitting President to bow out of an election since 1968, and the first to do so so (perilously) close to voting day. 

I think it's a stupid move,  regardless of the election's outcome, for all the reasons I listed here

What will go unmentioned today is how this showcases the power of the media. It was the press who covered up and denied Biden's decline,  even though it was painfully apparent to the public. When it could no longer be ignored,  post debate, they doubled down on his weakness and pushed and pushed and pushed for him to be out of office. 

I truly,  truly think that absent a conscious media avalanche Biden continues to November.  

The media is not a Kingmaker. They should not enthrone someone, by act or omission.  But that's what they have done all year,  and now it's gone so far as to override the millions of voters in the primaries. 

It's a shame. 

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