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Sunday, July 14, 2024

25 Years Ago - The Collapse of Big Blue

25 years ago today, I received a call at our apartment on 23rd St.  My friend Tre was on the line,  and told me Big Blue - the crane then in use to build the new Brewers stadium - had collapsed.  

At the time I didn't think much of it.  A construction delay,  sure,  but otherwise, yawn.  In reality it was far worse. Not only did the crane collapse knock out a portion of the stadium, setting the opening back a year,  three ironworkers were struck by the crane and killed. 

The worst part? As with most disasters,  human error and hubris were to blame. 

On this,  the 25th anniversary of their deaths,  RIP Jeffrey Wischer, William DeGrave, and Jerome Starr.

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