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Thursday, July 25, 2024

Inside Out 2

Lisa and I headed up to Cedarburg for our usual date night at the Rivoli, this time with reservations at a great Asian restaurant nearby. We were a little late getting started, since Lisa had us detour to Southridge Mall for a minute, and right before I was set to call the restaurant, they called us - to say they were closing early due to a burst pipe. 

So instead we dined at The Chocolate Factory. The subs were fine, but the place was packed with kids, and the point of a date night is to avoid that fate. 

We compounded that error by then seeing Inside Out 2, a Pixar cartoon. That said, the movie was worth it. It was cute, smart, and it even avoided the cliche little ending I had been expecting. Well done. 

Grade: A-

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