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Saturday, July 6, 2024


A productive day.  First thing in the morning I went and got some blood work done, then returned and cut the lawn.  These are the rhubarb plants that opposed me:

Smiley attacked (most) of them while I did the lawn,  using a new-to-us mower Lulu got us from a gentleman on Facebook who repairs them and gives them away for free. 

After that,  a shower and a nap. I woke up and went to Mass, then headed to Cedarburg with Lisa. 

We had margaritas and chips at a Mexican restaurant we've been to before, but maaan this time was a miss. No taste,  no flavor,  no Bueno.

Afterwards we hopped across the street to the Rivoli where we caught a showing of The Blue Angels.

Not our normal fare, but the documentary,  while devoid of drama, was interesting enough. Lisa enjoyed it more that I did, and I still grade it a B.

A good and busy day for yours truly.

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