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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

25 Years Later - JFK, Jr.


25 years ago today, in 1999, the plane piloted by JFK Jr. went missing near Martha's Vineyard. His remains, and that of his wife and sister-in-law, were found five days later. 

We were living in our apartment on 23rd St at the time, with the TV along the east wall of the living room. I remember hearing of the story, and of broadcasters or experts on TV saying there was hope - when it was obvious there was not - and knowing he was gone. 

It was a dark enough event on its own, but it may have changed history. Had he lived, he may have pursued the Senate seat later taken by Hilary Clinton. Perhaps, unlike Clinton, he could have defeated Obama in the '08 primaries. Or, had he waited, perhaps 2016 would have featured a Trump-Kennedy clash, with a different result. 

Or, he could have gone on with his life outside of politics, seeking, to paraphrase his own words, to become a good man, and not a "Great Man."

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