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Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Junie and a Pal, and a Blurry Gizmo

Lu and Junie

My Thoughts

Everything is obvious once you know the answer

Quote of the Day

"If you can't handle me at my worst, then you don't deserve me at my best." – Marilyn Monroe

The New Nook

I played with the new Nook today. It's very compact, but the screen is about the same as the B&W Nook - excuse me, the Nook "1st Edition". It's navigation mimics the Color, and the text really is sharper. Still a 'flash' between pages, tho' I'm told that will be ironed out. Impressive

Chasing the Moon

I finished reading A Lee Martinez's 'Chasing the Moon'. It's a sci-fi comedy in the tradition of Douglas Adams, about a woman who rents an apartment that has a interdimensional perpetually hungry blob living in the closet, and a demon dog in the hall. I'm a fan of Martinez, and while it wasn't his best work, it was fun to read.

A Drop of the Hard Stuff

I stayed up to finish reading Lawrence Block's "A Drop of the Hard Stuff", the welcome return of unofficial private eye Matthew Scudder. It wasn't the best of the series, and I was sad to see the now aged Scudder relegated to narrating cases a quarter century old. Still, I rarely tire of Block's simple but skilled prose, and I enjoyed reading it from start to finish. B

The Dilemma

Lisa and I rented "The Dilemma" starring Kevin James, Vince Vaughn, Winona Ryder and Jennifer Connely. I list the cast in such detail because it's al this film had; it could never decide whether it was a comedy or a drama and so failed at both. We didn't so much as chuckle once, and Lis fell asleep with a half hour left to go. Lucky her. C-