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Saturday, April 27, 2024

Black Mirror - 2 Episodes

After dinner at Conejito's (which was after the museum which was after the dog, but before we went across town to pick up Junie from her friend's house which was before the big thunderstorm) we went over to YaYa's where we watched two episodes of Black Mirror.  

I thought the first, Hang the DJ, was excellent. The acting was strong, the relationship was sweet, and the 'twist,' which spawned organically from the plot, brought a "Ah! Well done!" from my inner writer. 

Grade: A+

I saw afterwards that the second, San Junpipero, is considered a favorite of fan and critic alike. To which I say: why??  It's nothing more than a tired SF setup that is obvious from the start: a virtual reality created for the dead and dying. I've been watching/reading this yawner of a setup since at least the early years of this century. 

Is it popular *just* because the two lead characters are in a lesbian relationship and people want to be an "ally"? I'd hate to think so, but if the glove does fit, you can't acquit. Think about the love story: Kelly is a great character, but  Yorkie is as dull and one-dimensional as you can find. They spend a few hours together, with weeks in between meet-ups, and SPOILERS decide to spend all of eternity together? FFS, why? Buy yourself a pet snail Kelly, it would give you better conversations than dear Yorkie. Grade: Fail. 

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