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Saturday, April 27, 2024

The Current Occupant


After work on Thursday I went over to YaYa's apartment, ordered a pizza for us, and sat down to watch The Current Occupant on Hulu. 

The movie is centered around Henry, a man who wakes up in a mysterious mental institution believing he is the President of the United States, held captive in a plot orchestrated to put the VP in charge. Is he insane, or is he indeed the POTUS, wrongfully held prisoner by forces out to overthrow democracy? 

Who cares?. I know *I* didn't by the halfway point of the flick. Oh, there are a few reviews online who try and convince you that this is a deep, intellectual exercise that is just poorly understood by the uneducated viewer. No, it's a mediocre collection of tropes strung together with scenery and special effects that probably cost less than my last grocery trip (even accounting for the current inflation). 

It wasn't awful. We got through it. But I recommend you avoid the film. 

Still, a good time with my eldest, so I'll always have some fond memories of it. 

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