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Sunday, February 3, 2013

Dinner with my Godmother

Last night we saw my Aunt Jackie and Uncle George at Mass and invited them to eat dinner with us afterwards. What followed was a very nice dinner and conversation at Denny's. Thanks go to them for accepting, and for the kids (LuLu and Junie) for being good throughout a long dinner dominated by adult conversation!

Also, before I forget; when I complimented LK on being good in church she said she 'had to be' because she didn't want to get "left behind like last time" - meaning when she was a terror in church and we left her with Entourage and took the other kids out to eat. Huh. Whaddaya know, a punishment/deterrent that WORKED. Maybe we'll get the hang of this parenting thing yet.

Cookie Booth

This morning, for the 3rd of 4th year in the row, LuLu and I manned the Girl Scout cookie booth at the early mass at St. Paul's.  I'm kinda proud of that.

On a small side note, having listened now to the sermon at both St. Paul's and Immaculate Conception this weekend, I can say that Father Ron had a deeper grasp of the week's readings and formed it into a great, inspiring sermon. He gets the 'W' this week.

RIP Buddy

RIP Buddy, 54 yrs gone.Wish you were still here.

Dinner with my Godmother

Last night we saw my Aunt Jackie and Uncle George at Mass and invited them to eat dinner with us afterwards. What followed was a very nice dinner and conversation at Denny's. Thanks to them for accepting, and for the kids (Lu and Junie) for being good throughout a long dinner dominated by adult conversation!

Also, before I forget; when I complimented Junie on being good in church she said she 'had to be' because she didn't want to get "left behind like last time" - meaning when she was a terror in church and we left her with Entourage and took the other kids out to eat. Huh. Whaddaya know, a punishment/deterrent that WORKED. Maybe we'll get the hang of this parenting thing yet.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Columbia: 10 Years On

Today marks the 10th anniversary of the loss of the space shuttle Columbia.

Ed Koch

 RIP former NY Mayor Ed Koch. Growing up, he was synonymous with New York City. 


 "When two grudges conflict, drop the older one that doesn't sell papers anymore."

Thursday, January 31, 2013

My Day

 This has not been a great day. Still 8 hours left to stem the tide.

 WR Donald Driver has chosen to retire. Have a great life Donald!