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Friday, March 3, 2023

A Middle School Pic and a Happy Birthday to my Sister

 Here's a pic from my middle school years ('86 -1988), obviously taken at a Pizza Hut. We very rarely ate out as a kid so I'm thinking this was a birthday, either mine or my sister Katie's. She's seated next to me in the picture. Wave back to me folks, don't be rude now. 

As today is said sisters birthday (Happy Birthday Katie!) and I had the pic available, it seemed as good a day as any to post it. 

BTW - That's my buddy Erv in blue, turned towards the camera, but his presence was ubiquitous, so it doesn't preclude it from being a celebration for Katie. 

Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Goodbye, Farewell and Amen

 40 years ago tonight, along with with 106 million of my fellow Americans, I watched the final episode of M*A*S*H. 

I remember the plot to this day, but what's alway stuck with me is a negative memory- the amount of commercials that interrupted the broadcast seemed endless (and no wonder; CBS sold 30 second ad slots for MORE than they cost during the Super Bowl that year.)

Like anyone else worth their salt, I wept at the end of an era. And when the waterworks, wouldn't stop, I was allowed to stay up to watch the nightly 10:30 syndicated reruns. It was an old episode from the Trapper John days, and the contrast between the slapstick humor of those wonderful, early days, and the heavy dramedy of the finale - man, it was night and day. 

RIP M*A*S*H:  you were, and are, one of the greatest shows in history. 

Monday, February 27, 2023

Nolan For the WIn

When something frustrating or unusual happens at work I say "Dear Diary . . .," as if I'm going to record it for posterity. 

Today my friend Nolan gave me a lift to the bus stop after work, as Lulu had borrowed my car.  I don't remember what he did, but I started to say the catchphrase when he interrupted:

"Dear Diary, this journal is full.  Shut the F--K up."

I broke out laughing. LOL

Winter Rain

I'm not sure where they get their "half an inch" forecast, because I think we've reached and passed that mark already, and it's only 7:30am. It's a dang typhoon out there. 

Here's hoping the temperature doesn't drop today and turn the streets into a skating rink. 

Saturday, February 25, 2023

Dinner on the Cheap

Ok don't come for me foodies. Sometimes you just need quick and easy. Prob about $3.50 for this plate. Truffle Mac n cheese and Korean chicken breasts found in the clearance section of pick n saves deli case. Yes, I should have included a veggie but this was a delicious plate of food. Highly recommend both! - Lisa

Thursday, February 23, 2023

Hopefully they were NOT occupied. If they were . . terrible, terrible news.

Glendale WI (a northern suburb of MKE) - Bayshore Mall - Parking structure collapse on the 1st and 2nd floors, multiple vehicles crushed, unknown if occupied, MFD Heavy Urban Rescue response requeThissted

*At least 3 vehicles underneath the collapsed portion, crews are starting to hand dig through the rubble*

Monday, February 20, 2023

David O'Connell

David O'Connell, 69, the auxiliary bishop of Los Angeles was found dead of a gunshot wound in his home. 

By all accounts, he was beloved by the community he served. 

To quote an NPR article, "Immigration attorney Linda Dakin-Grimm said O'Connell was "there for every child and family I have represented. Always. Helping, supporting and generally being the face of Jesus for me and many many others."

Rest in peace.  

Eternal rest grant unto him  O Lord. And let perpetual light shine upon him. May the soul of the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace. Amen.


Here's a long shot. Sometimes insurances or work wellness programs send this brand of vitamins out and maybe you don't like them? I happen to LOVE them, but they are way too expensive after this wellness program trial lol. If u have them...I want them. Will trade if there's something you're looking for!



The Batman


The world did not need another Batman movie, but that doesn't change the fact that it was a fine addition to his cinematic universe. 

This version takes place with a much younger Bruce Wayne, only a few years into his career as the Caped Crusader, as he hunts down a very dark, troubled version of the Riddler that is terrorizing the leaders of Gotham. The Penguin is here too, played as mafioso capo, by a convincing and unrecognizable Collin Ferrell. Yet he plays no role in the plot, and I struggle to see why he was included, other than to set up future films. 

There's a lot to enjoy about this film. The first few minutes that introduce Batman, where you see the fear that has crept into the minds of Gotham's criminals, is delicious filmmaking. So too was the decision to make this a mystery and highlight Batman's status as "The World's Greatest Detective," an aspect of the character that had been overlooked as gadgets and physical prowess took center stage. 

What wasn't good? A 3 hour runtime achieved by ignoring the organic end to the movie and tacking on another "rescue mission" that was unnecessary and robbed the movie of its pacing. 

All in all though, a movie worth watching. 

Grade: B+

Sunday, February 19, 2023

Saturday, February 18, 2023

National Drink Wine Day

I decided to have a glass of wine tonight. First since NYE. Only after did I realize it's #nationaldrinkwineday 


- Lisa

The Menu

A young couple travels to an isolated island to visit a very exclusive restaurant, where they will dine on the dishes of a dedicated, world famous Chef - but dinner doesn't go quite as planned when the Chef reveals his sinister new menu. 

I was legitimately surprised by how much I enjoyed watching The Menu. It was a genuine treat. 

 Until I actually saw the film I thought the trailer gave away 90% of the movie, but oops on me. It's not the most complicated plot - it moves from A to B to C in deliberate steps, but there's plenty of little goodies to surprise you along the way.  Thankfully, it never takes itself too seriously - enough not to fall into comedy, not so much as to make this a dull lecture on the human condition. 

It was fun. And really, that's more than enough. 

Grade: A

American Idol

 Idol: I think the male 12 was ok, but the choice of the female dozen was nuts. They cut Shelby Dressel and kept the mediocre blonde, which was bad enough, but then they axed Angela Martin. WTH? I had her pegged as a favorite to win. I can only assume her odd & continual personal troubles (Dad killed 1st yr, 6 days in jail yr 2, now her Mom's missing) knocked her out of the running. My early fave to win: Casey James.

Friday, February 17, 2023

Today in Local History


This ship is often visible docked on the river as you drive down the north end of Kinnickinnic Ave going to or from downtown. 

Thursday, February 16, 2023

80 years ago today a Milwaukee Woman Was Beheaded on the Hitler's Direct Orders - The Life of Mildred Harnack

Born in Milwaukee, and a graduate of West Division High School (now Milwaukee High School of the Arts) and UW-Madison, Mildred Harnack was 26 when she moved to Germany to pursue a PhD.

As an American grad student in Berlin, she saw Germany swiftly descend into a fascist dictatorship. She and her husband Arvid began holding secret meetings in their apartment. She recruited working-class Germans into the resistance, helped Jews escape, plotted acts of sabotage, and wrote leaflets that denounced Hitler and called for revolution.

The Gestapo arrested her on Sept 7, 1942 and postwar testimony attests to the daily interrogation and torture she endured.

Mildred and 75 of her German co conspirators were tried before the highest military court in Nazi Germany. A panel of judges sentenced her to six years in prison but Hitler personally overruled the decision and ordered her execution
On February 16, 1943 at Plötzensee Prison in Berlin, she was strapped to a guillotine and beheaded. As far as is known, she was the sole American in the leadership of the German resistance during WWII.

May she continue to RIP

Tim McCarver

Tim McCarver, the All-Star catcher whose career spanned four decades, and who later spent another four decades in the broadcast booth, has died of heart failure. He was 81. 

He was often criticized for being overly-analytical on TV, but I liked his work, and I can still hear his distinctive voice in my head. 

RIP sir. You did well. 


Raquel Welch

Raquel Welch, the actress and sex symbol whose beauty transcended the decades, died yesterday at 82. 

My introduction to her? Watching Fantastic Voyage on TV as a kid, and feeling some grown up feelings when her skintight suit was covered by antibodies that had to be ripped off her body LOL 


The Forecast Was Snow Joke

Look, I'm not saying this is the storm of the century. So far, it's so mid that I think MPS jumped the gun by cancelling school (and to do so yesterday evening? Waaay too soon). Then again, I chose to work from home rather than commute, so who am I to talk?  

But it's coming down, and coming down steady. It's a mid snow too, not airy but not completely wet and sticky. 

Anyway, to stay ahead of the curve LuLu and I headed out to shovel and cleared the property, and our share of the alley, of the first couple inches of the mess. 

Future efforts will be delegated to Dem, Smiley, Lisa, and Junie

The dogs don't seem to mind it tho

Cupid Calling

 cupid calling

always such a great time photographing the lovely yelene!
need creative portraits or just some fun new photos? booking through may '23 now!