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Monday, February 20, 2023

The Batman


The world did not need another Batman movie, but that doesn't change the fact that it was a fine addition to his cinematic universe. 

This version takes place with a much younger Bruce Wayne, only a few years into his career as the Caped Crusader, as he hunts down a very dark, troubled version of the Riddler that is terrorizing the leaders of Gotham. The Penguin is here too, played as mafioso capo, by a convincing and unrecognizable Collin Ferrell. Yet he plays no role in the plot, and I struggle to see why he was included, other than to set up future films. 

There's a lot to enjoy about this film. The first few minutes that introduce Batman, where you see the fear that has crept into the minds of Gotham's criminals, is delicious filmmaking. So too was the decision to make this a mystery and highlight Batman's status as "The World's Greatest Detective," an aspect of the character that had been overlooked as gadgets and physical prowess took center stage. 

What wasn't good? A 3 hour runtime achieved by ignoring the organic end to the movie and tacking on another "rescue mission" that was unnecessary and robbed the movie of its pacing. 

All in all though, a movie worth watching. 

Grade: B+

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