Some items of note in the ol' homestead:
While he's been giving us hints and glimmers for a week now, it is offical: Parker can, on cue, give you the biggest happiest smile you've ever seen.
(now if I can only capture it on camera, I'll post the proof here, so check back)
My youngest daughter, four days shy of 22 months, has gone #2 twice in the potty but still shows an affinity for her diapers. Her speech has improved dramatically though: while her vocabulary still consists mainly of "Me?" "Yeah!" and "Yay!", she gave us two complete sentences in the past week.
"Me go with you." and "Me want wear this".
And the elder stateswoman of the bunch has learned a new ditty at the knee of her mommy:
Boys go to Jupiter to get more stupider
Girls go to college to get more knowledge
She was also estatic when her teacher gave her a gift for being good this week: a jar of putty called "body noise" that lets out a fart when you stick your finger in it.
Glad to see her tuition is paying off.
ReplyDeleteEntry Date: 2005-04-25 09:18:29
Name: AsharEdith
Web Site: My Weight Loss Journey
Site Rating: 7
Visitor Comments: :D Have to admit I like your blog... Love your babies. They are SO cute!