My wife and I took the kids with us to vote, as we often do, and afterwards my wife asked me why I didn't just mark a 'straight ticket', as I'm pretty sure I'd vote for Howard the Duck if he had the right letter after his name on the ballot.
The answer's pretty simple: I get a thrill from voting, and marking each race individually gives me a little 'ooo' factor and makes me feel more involved in choosing the winner.
And it reminds me just how many races are dominated by a single candidate of a single party. I don't care if the other person is running as a Whig, there should always be at least a token opposition, some choice to present the voter.
[fact: figuring out how to spell the print form of widely used human sounds such as ' uh hmm' 'oooo', etc has always, always been a thorn in my side]
Locally, Doyle earned another four years to line his pocket (thanks a bunch dpoem, j/k), the gay marriage referendum passed (meaning it may soon be constituionally outlawed here) and voters were in favor of the death penalty, something I myself (while a proponent elsewhere) was not comfortable with in my home state - I voted no to that one.
Nationally, despite a booming stock market one news source wrote
Your timing sucks, Dan. I mean, it's great that you're heading of on a Bahamian cruise, but the weather here in Wisconsin is actually somewhat tolerable. What are you going to do when February rolls around and you're buried under two feet of lake effect snow (aside from laugh at me for living by the lake where I'll probably get five feet)?
Enjoy your vacation!!