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Saturday, July 3, 2010

The Crazy Neighbor

The cops just left my house.LuLu rode her bike across a patch of grass in front of my neighbor's house (a patch legally city property). He yelled at her, Lisa told him to knock it off, he called Lisa a cunt & threatened to go get his gun, and it was on. No tickets issued, but only because they would have cxl'd each other out. What a f'ing evening.

Swimming, Ponyo non-stop, being threatened that the neighbor was "getting his gun" over a bike track on his lawn (actually the city's), dealing with the police, and fireworks while mosquitos ate me alive and all the kids whined and cried.....all in a days work....I'm exhausted!

I thought we moved into a better neighborhood, but this one is way more headache then my old 'hood :) I'll take Mexican music till all hours of the night over a lawn-bully any day! - Lisa

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