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Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Football and Dancing Baby

With a win this past weekend I'm now 3-7 in my fantasy football league. I could go all petty and mention I lost 2 games by under 10 pts, but big wup - change the outcome and it would still only take me to .500. Meanwhile, three weeks in I'm 12-6 in my fantasy basketball league. Yawn. Wake me when spring training starts.

Meanwhile, a 'Dancing With the Stars' upset - Bristol Palin sends Brandy packing. Wow. Good for her, but there's no way she was a better dancer than Brandy. Not that I care; IMO folks that spend more than half their workday dancing have an unfair advantage that skews the results (cough Nicole Scherzinger, cough). But again, congrats Bristol. Good luck next week in the finals.

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