, pub-4909507274277725, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Slapinions: Accused at 17 and The Craigslist Killer

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Thursday, November 17, 2011

Accused at 17 and The Craigslist Killer

Awhile back we rented "Accused at 17" a TV-movieish DVD about a 17 year old framed for murder after her revenge against a rival goes too far. It was ok, but nothing I'd watch a second time. Also, a coupladays back we rented "The Craigslist Killer", a good if unexceptionable take on the famous case. A) Dude was a media creation. One murder in Boston and he's national news? C'mon B) he wasn't very good at it. If there's one thing I respect it's competency, and thus he earns an F.

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