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Saturday, December 31, 2011

New Years Eve 2011

I'm expecting a quiet New Years Eve. I worked today (and saw Alex Q), then returned home to a night with Lisa, Smiley, and Lulu  (YaYa is with a friend, Junie  w/ Grandma). We're making kiddie cocktails and having Papa Murphy's pizza w/ ice cream as a desert. At 9 or 10 we'll have "midnight" for the kids, then hit the margaritas. The highlight so far: walking to the gas station with Smiley and scoping out the neighborhood Christmas lights.

* Jenny McCarthy asked a soldier in Times Square what artist should be #1 all-time on Rockin' Eve and he said "New Kids on the Block". Lol it's my long lost twin!

* #19 on the countdown of Dick Clark's Rockin' Eve top 40 performances ever: NKOTBSB. Still waiting to see if NKOTB  proper cracks the top 15 . . .

* In case I don't get on the comp again before midnight, here's my one and only New Year's Resolution: to make 2012 better than the three years that preceded it. 2009 sucked. 2010 was one of the worst years I've ever had. 2011 was OK, but largely a clone of 2009. Enough of this sh*t. Time to get life rolling again . . .

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