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Sunday, October 5, 2014

Winter Prep

It's been a wonderfully productive day off so far

 #TeamSlap prepped the backyard for winter. Smiley and I cleaned out part of the shed, put away the patio furniture, the double swing, the BBQ and the hose, and when that was done we took out the snow equipment. LuLu cut the lawn while LK raked the leaves. Then OJ and I took an axe to a tree that's taken up residence behind the shed. (Princess YaYa got out of work by being at grandma's) Afterwards we took the oldest girls to their first Cadet meeting, I paid the electric bill, and then LK and I walked the mile or so home. 

Following that PD and I changed both furnace filters and took out all the window A/C's. 

Now, we have to start dinner.

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