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Thursday, November 10, 2016

On Trump's Win

On my way to work election night, just as I was about to get on the freeway, I heard on the radio that Mexico's currency was falling, and I thought "WOW, they must be confident that Trump will win."

No gloating, no crying here. I've won and I've lost before and I've yet to decide exactly which one just happened. But regardless, America has made its choice and for the next three years Trump is your President and his success is OUR success. I say three years not four, because I consider all bets off once a new election cycle starts.

Bullshit, that ship sailed with the GOP obstructing EVERYTHING Obama proposed from inaugural night on - Socialist

I don't see much gloating on FB, but scads of bleating and despair and dumbass jokes about assassinations and revolt. If I have to reign my end in, and lawd knows I'm giddy, try to do the same and act like a grown up.

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